Junior Primary
At Woodside Primary School we enable all students to achieve high levels of Literacy and Numeracy.

Today’s children come to school with a very different skill set to those of their parents. At WPS we provide strong learning foundations and opportunities to build on their wide range of skills and talents. We incorporate modern, well researched and proven strategies such as synthetic phonics (Jolly Phonics), the four spelling knowledges and problem solving approach to maths e.g. Natural Maths and Tierney Kennedy’s Back to Front Maths.
In addition, students have opportunities to explore their interests through play-based learning. We are currently developing nature play areas, outdoor play pods and kitchen gardens.
Many students arrive at school well skilled in technologies. We provide a rich program to further develop skills of the future including coding and robotics.
There is a strong emphasis on developing independence, risk taking and collaboration in a secure and safe environment. Our learning programs focus on the principles of Growth Mind Set. Students are empowered to confidently navigate the worlds of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
Our HASS subjects of History and Geography focus on Woodside’s local History and Environment. Strong links with our Indigenous Paramangk Culture provides students with Aboriginal perspectives on how land is managed and used. Bush School visits also provides students with the opportunity to observe seasonal changes and compare natural, managed and constructed environments.