School and Parents Info
School improvement, policies, uniform, canteen, school fees, Governing Council and helpline contacts.

School Improvement
Constant review and improvement is necessary to keep the school current, with a clear and measurable focus on the future. Site improvement plan and annual report documents are listed below.
School Policies
Woodside Primary School adopts a number of policies to keep students and staff safe. Specific policies are listed below:
Governing Council and Staff have a commitment to students wearing school uniform.
Woodside’s canteen operates on Fridays. An up-to-date canteen price list can be found on the Skoolbag App or you can view it below.
School Fees
Materials & Services Fees for Woodside Primary School are amongst the lowest in the State and for 2024 are set at $310. We have a wide variety of payment options including Direct Debit, cheque, cash and EFT. The School Card Scheme is a government run subsidy which is designed to assist low income earners with their School Fees. The School attempts to spread excursion, incursions and camps across the school year to even out requests for payment. We ask that all consent forms be returned with the money for these events as all excursions must be paid before the date. Any families experiencing financial difficulties are asked to speak to the Business Manager in confidence

Governing Council
The role of the Governing Council is to facilitate the views and be the voice of parents and caregivers of the school, with the enhancement of students’ learning through the efforts of parents, students, staff and the wider school community. The committee assists the Principal and staff in matters pertaining to the running of the school and OSHC.
There are sub committees for members to provide extra support in an area of interest that they may have, to provide direction for a range of school activities.
The committee welcomes parents and caregivers to contact committee members for suggestions and feedback relating to school and OSHC matters. These can be tabled at a committee meeting and council will endeavour to provide a response as soon as possible.
If you have an interest in becoming a member of Governing Council, meetings are held twice a term, with an AGM held in the first term. Meeting dates are included in the school newsletter and the school community are very welcome to observe meetings.
We trust that you and your family embrace and utilise the many opportunities our school has to offer.
The Governing Council constitution and code of practice can be found below.
Helpline Contacts
Information about anti-bullying, online safety and the Kid’s Help Line can be found here: