Upper Primary
Our upper primary team work collaboratively to support students in becoming creative, independent and resilient learners.

While literacy is integrated through a number of subject areas, our team also has a strong focus on improving reading comprehension, oral language and genre specific writing using regular assessment and interventions based on student data. Our team has a consistent approach to data analysis and draws from a range of resources to provide appropriate interventions for each student. We draw on the knowledge from experts such as Sheena Cameron to provide appropriate intervention strategies to ensure growth for all students.
Our team is focussed on providing a strong balance of problem-solving and fluency, with the objective of developing risk-taking mathematicians that are excited for a challenge. With the support of mathematicians, such as Tierney Kennedy and Ann Baker we co-create problem-solving investigations drawing from a range of resources such as Back to Front Maths, Natural Maths, NRICH and Stanford University’s You Cube. We work with students in supporting them to solve problems, have a strong number sense and automaticity, while expect students to demonstrate understanding and be able to justify their responses to mathematics problems using a range of strategies.

Student Leadership
All upper primary students are invited to take on additional school leadership roles. We hold leadership development days for all upper primary students prior to electing formal class and school leadership positions. School leaders take on a number of tasks including managing smaller sub committees (disco, kitchen garden, learning space transformation, lunch time activities etc). All classes are represented at regular school leaders meetings by class representatives to ensure that student voice is valued throughout the school.